Happy family at christmas opening gifts together on the couch

Christmas 2020 is looming. Children are counting down the days, awaiting Santa’s arrival. There’s a sense of urgency in the air as families quarrel over what to get one another. I pulled out the last of my Christmas decor the other day, and with it, blasted my favourite Spotify Playlist (Christmas Classics for anyone interested). As I mounted my Christmas garland over the blazing fireplace, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas started to play. As I listened to each word, I could feel myself choke on unwanted tears. I don’t know if any of you have ever listened to Sinatra’s original version, but the lyrics’ represent 2020 and all it has been this year. Before you continue to read, have a quick listen! Anyways, each sentence reminded me that Christmas 2020 will be like no other, but as a Nation, we have the power to make it a Christmas we’ll never forget. The greatest Christmas to date. 


With this in mind, I have crafted a few ideas’ to keep us in a cheerful spirit this Christmas, whilst keeping those around us safe. 


Host a Christmas Zoom Party


Unfortunately, many of us will be celebrating Christmas far from home this year. Some of us will be lucky enough to celebrate in the comfort of our own home, whereas others will see no further than the four walls of a cramped apartment. Round up your friends and family and host a Christmas zoom party like no other. Create a spending budget and get crafty with Secret Santa amongst yourselves. Pop your gifts’ in the post, pop open a bottle of vino wherever you are, and enjoy Christmas games and sing songs via Zoom! A little goes a long way, one night of conversations with friends could restore how one person is feeling, and make this a Christmas to remember. 


Have an Outdoor Winter Gathering


If you’re lucky enough to live within a safe distance away from family and friends, host a Winter gathering out the back garden, weather permitted. Tell everyone to bring one food item, along with a cosy blanket to keep warm! Insist that everyone wears their quirkiest Christmas jumper and host a competition for the best one! Given the proximity, you may require everyone to bring a face mask to keep safe. Don’t forget! On arrival, create a Hot Chocolate Station with a variety of mix-ins for people to choose from. (I recommend Terry’s Chocolate or a dollop of Peanut Butter!). Sit around an open fire, share Christmas tales and enjoy a sing song or two. Remember to decorate your garden from head to toe in fairy lights to cast a Christmassy vibe around you. 


Give Back to The Lonely


If you too have a roof over your head this Christmas, it’s time to give back! There’s nothing kinder than showing generosity to those less fortunate. Get crafty this Winter, and write cards to the local Nursing Home. Unfortunately, hundreds of families will not have access to visitation rights’ this year, leaving dozens’ of senior citizens in the dark. It’s going to be lonesome for many, so why not brighten the holidays’ and drop in a hamper full of treats’ to those in dire need? Perhaps you have an elderly neighbour who is celebrating alone. Be sure to reach out to them and make an offering to assist them with their shopping, or accompany them on a socially distanced walk. Giving back to those less fortunate is one of the kindest deeds there are. This year is a year like no other, a little gesture of good will can go a long way. 


Support Local Brands Nationwide


2020 will always be known as the year we shopped locally. With our current economy in disarray, thousands of local businesses depend on Irish people to buy from home run businesses. Provided you can, give to the companies and brands’ that need it most. One person may depend on a painting sale to make a living. Someone else may rely on your help to provide food for their family this Christmas. We, as a nation, have never been so generous. Let’s continue to do so throughout Christmas. Spread Christmas cheer and spend locally. 


Get Creative From Home


While shopping locally is important this year, so is getting creative at home. Whether you’ve got the knack for baking or are a pro knitter, now is your time to let your talents’ shine. At the beginning of 2020, thousands of home owners and young adults’ lost their jobs. This grave loss has caused pain and despair. Parents’ with young children fear their inability to buy Santa gifts. Families are worrying about the cost of Christmas dinner. Get crafty this year and spare every cent you have. Perhaps you’ve neglected your passion for painting over the years. Rummage around your room, pull out your old paint set and compose a piece for someone who deserves it. 2020 is the year to get creative, revive old passions and reignite your fondest hobbies. Generally, people prefer handmade gifts, so your little masterpiece will go a long way. 


This year has undoubtedly been one of the hardest years to date for every generation. Children have missed the opportunity to have a dependable education. Elders have been held captive from their families, they have lost the freedom in seeing their children and grandchildren. Young adults have built empires, only to watch them crash before their very eyes. Those with the ambition to travel have spent more days inside this year. 2020 has been a war to freedom from a disease that refuses to give up. With 2021 just a matter of weeks away, let’s pack 2020 into her suitcase and forget her existence. This fight may not be over, but life is what we make it. So, taking that into consideration, let us grasp Christmas and embrace the lead up to the new year. Let us check in on those around us. Spread virtual hugs, send hershey’s kisses and make promises to always look out for one another. This year, we need each other more than any other. Embrace every moment. To quote Sinatra, Have yourself a Merry little Christmas, now


CRANN sunglasses and watches Christmas sales

Andraya Tighe

Inspired Looks, Mental Health, Positivity, Food & Travel Founder of OnlyTiggy