One of the best seasons to go travelling is definitely Spring! Not only will there be fewer tourists on holiday too, but the weather is improving and all the beautiful flowers are blooming.

If you’ve got a trip booked for Spring or you’re thinking of going away in the next few weeks, read on for some of my top tips to travel sustainably!

1. Choose eco transport

Lisbon, Portugal tram.

Although travelling by plane is often unavoidable for long-haul flights, if you’re planning a nearby city break in Spring you can definitely travel by train, car or ferry! Last year I visited Paris and took the Eurostar as opposed to flying. This train journey used up to 90% less CO2 than if I had flown to France. If you’re based in Europe, you will likely find it is quite easy to travel by train to another European city and won’t take much longer than flying!

When you arrive at your holiday location, instead of renting a car you could cycle or walk to places! Most countries also have good rail networks or buses. Public transport is much cheaper to use than renting a car and is often more relaxing, since you don’t have to drive and navigate foreign roads!

2. Eat vegetarian or vegan

Farmer carrying basket of veg on a sunny day-2

If you’re travelling abroad, definitely try out the local cuisine! However, you can often still eat vegetarian and vegan while abroad. I have always found there are lots of restaurants that cater for dietary requirements, just be sure to check out the plant based options before travelling there!

3. Pack eco clothes and products


Although it can be very tempting to get a new wardrobe for your vacation, try to refrain from planning a shopping trip for new holiday clothes. Instead, you could buy pre-loved online or go thrifting in local charity shops. If you have any old clothes you no longer wear, you could sell them or donate them too!

I always bring my zero waste toiletries, deodorant and sunscreen when going abroad. If you’re travelling to a country where you can drink tap water, definitely bring your reusable water bottle too! Not only will this save you money, but it will stop unnecessary plastic water bottle purchases. Most European countries have water fountains in parks where you can fill up your bottles.

I also take sustainable essentials with me, such as my Crann Tullan sunglasses! Crann uses 100% recycled plastic and wood, which would otherwise end up in landfill, and transforms it into sunglasses and watches to last for a lifetime.

These are just some of my eco travel tips! Are you planning a Spring vacation?





Beth Lucy

Hi! I am called Beth and I am a blogger who loves sharing experiences with the world! I started my website at the end of 2017 and went on to write blogs regularly from January in 2018. Before then, I had never imagined that I would create my own website. I decided to make a blog because I love writing. Now I enjoy writing many blogs from different genres. Some include: fashion, travel and reading. I also write about Instagram engagement tips and my dog.